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Audits & safety management systems


To control company risks by rational methods, then the first and most important step is to perform in-depth risk identification and analysis. We have built up vast expertise in carrying out both risk analyses as well as safety management audits.

The most thorough way of screening your safety policy and to build up a framework in line with current industrial safety legislation in Belgium or The Netherlands, is to apply the Safety Audit System© designed by our company. This is an established quantitative auditing method which consists of various modules. It is the result of an intensive thinking exercise, research of trade literature, and the combination of various approaches and practical experience of company life, both in the field of quality assurance as well as safety and environmental problems. This methodology is also based upon practical know-how gained in the field of auditing and implementation of safety management systems.

Safety management Systems

We offer unique expertise in the field of implementation of safety management systems. Our methodology is founded upon vast know-how and our staff’s longstanding experience in various company sectors.

By compiling a well thought-out health & safety, quality or environmental safety management system, we aim to achieve health & safety, quality or environmental policies and their relevant objectives within the shortest term possible. In so doing, we take into account the requirements of current legislation/regulations and the information available concerning health & safety, quality or environmental criteria which are common to your activities, products and services, and which apply to the industry in which you operate. The application of the health & safety, quality or environmental safety management system enables you, as a company, to establish your procedures and instructions, to evaluate them, to ensure their compliance and to demonstrate this compliance to third parties, including the Belgian or Dutch authorities.

For example, we can offer this expertise in the following fields:

  • OHSAS 18001 safety management system (version 2007)
  • VCA*/** safety management system (version 2008)
  • VCU safety management system
  • ISO 9001 quality assurance system (version 2006)
  • ISO 14001 environmental assurance system (version 2004)

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